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Stavros B. Thomadakis | Books

The State and Development in Greece: An Evolutionary Coupling (collection of papers in Greek), Alexandria Press, 2011)

Money and Capital Markets (2nd Edition), with M. Xanthakis (in Greek), Textbook Series of the Union of Greek Banks, Athens 2011

Managerial Economics, with P. Alexakis (in Greek), Textbook Series (Stamoulis Press) Athens 2007

Latecomers in the Global Economy, edited with M. Storper and L.Tsipouri, Routledge, 1998

Greece, the New Europe and the Charging International Order, edited with Harry Psomiades, Pella, N.Y. 1993

Credit and Monetization of the Economy, (Research monograph in Greek), National Bank Cultural Foundation, Athens 1980