Stavros B. Thomadakis | Teaching |
Capital and money markets
This course presents models of valuation under certainty and uncertainty.
The theory of portfolio selection, capital asset pricing, the risk return relationship and market efficiency
are developed theoretically and examined in the light of extensive empirical evidence.
The notion of credit risk and its management, the pricing of futures and derivatives, and their use in hedging ans speculation are also introduced.
Economic Analysis of Money and Banking
The supply and demand for money are presented and analyzed towards an understanding of monetary equilibrium.
Historical and institutional transformations of the medium of exchange are discussed and the special role of banks and financial intermediaries is analyzed.
The role of the central bank is also discussed and the range of monetary policy is developed.
Issues of Corporate Financial Analysis (Course in Applied Economics and Finance Module)
The course aims to present a thorough analysis of the most important aspects of corporate financial analysis and is divided into two main parts.
The first part focuses on the comprehension of the process of taking business and investment decisions under both certain and uncertain conditions.
The second part is focused on capital structure and dividend policy, the analysis of financing large companies’ assets and other fundamental concepts
related to their viability, development and prospects.
The course concludes with special issues in investment banking.
Fundamental Principles of Corporate Finance (Course in Applied Accounting and Auditing Module)
The course aims to present a thorough analysis of important aspects of corporate finance and is divided into three main parts.
The first part focuses on the comprehension of the process of taking business and investment decisions under both certain and uncertain conditions.
The second focuses on financing large and multinational companies’ assets and other fundamental concepts related to their viability,
development and prospects, while the third part of the course focuses on the derivatives’ market and on hedging techniques with the use of derivatives.
Regulation and Institutional Arrangements for Capital Markets
This course builds both a historical and a theoretical foundation on the role of institutional arrangements for the functioning of capital markets.
Extensive reference to periods of crisis and the reforms that ensued provides an evolutionary process of regulatory institutions, rules and arrangements.
Modern regulatory architecture, regulatory gaps as a cause of crisis and failure, and new reform proposals for financial regulation are examined at length.
Microeconomics of Banking (doctoral level course)
The goal of the course is to present banking concepts on the basis of microeconomic analysis.
The reasons for existence of financial intermediaries and models of the banking firm under monopoly or competitive conditions are analyzed.
The contractual relation of lender and borrower is an area of special focus that looks at central questions such as credit rationing
and possible forms of market failure. Transaction costs, asymmetric information, the role of collateral and contract incompleteness
are discussed and related to the fundamental features and imperfections of banking markets.
Basic textbook: Freixas and Rochet,
Microeconomics of Banking.